Does Your Home Have Hard Water?

Does Your Home Have Hard Water?

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Based on the name, one could think hard water means water that’s turned to ice, but in reality, it’s tap water that has an unusually high mineral count. Hard water is more prevalent in places where water can flow through limestone and pick up traces of magnesium and calcium deposits as it flows through to the municipal water supply. These minerals can make your tap water taste bad, damage your home’s plumbing and make it more difficult for soap to lather when washing things. They can also contain harmful bacteria.

The following are some telltale signs that you might have hard water:

Stains in the toilet bowl

Hard water contains iron which can cause your toilet bowl to develop rust-colored stains that can be difficult to remove. And even if you do remove them, they can come right back, which can be extremely frustrating.

Soap scum in your bathroom and kitchen

Hard water can leave calcium deposits, also known as soap scum in the form of white spots that appear after the water evaporates. They can appear all over your bathrooms, and could be a breeding ground for bacteria. Hard water is generally the culprit for spots showing up on dishes and glasses after being run through the dishwasher.

Dirty clothes after washing

Unfortunately, soap doesn’t wash your clothes as well when your home has hard water. Also, your clothes and towels may begin to look dingy, feel rough and may wear out more quickly. More detergent and hot water may be required to get your clothes clean. Also, your “whites” may tend to have a yellow tint due to iron in the water.

Clogged pipes and shower heads

Hard water can block your shower heads with mineral deposits and cause your water pressure to drop. Additionally, plumbing problems can occur as pipes become clogged with scale deposits. This is especially found in older homes that use steel pipes rather than copper and PVC pipes.

Film of soap on your body

Hard water can be really bad for your skin. It may leave your body feeling soapy and cause dry, itchy skin irritations. It also prevents your skin from receiving much-needed moisture and may even lead to eczema.

Appliances don’t last as long

Hard water scale deposits can potentially cause your appliances to wear out faster. In addition to having to buy new appliances more often, hard water may cause your utility bills to skyrocket because your appliances are noisier and less efficient.

If you think your home has hard water, don’t fret. Just call the plumbing pros at A#1 Air. We’ll provide expert hard water testing and water softening solutions.

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