The 5 Airflow Issues You Need To Monitor

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No matter what time of year it is in Texas, you can be sure that all homeowners’ HVAC systems are constantly working!

Whether you’re blasting the A/C to get some respite from humid summer days or you’re cozy at home with the heater humming during winter, it’s important to be aware of how your HVAC system is running.

In addition to servicing your system once a year, you can help keep your home’s HVAC unit running safely and efficiently by keeping an eye out for these 5 warning signs:

1. Hot & Cold Spots
Are there certain areas in your home that are particularly hot or cold? While these issues could be due to your home’s layout or thermostat location, they could also indicate a severe problem with your unit. If there are areas in your home that are unusually warm or cool, it’s time to call us in.

2. Imbalanced Air Pressure
What’s the fastest way to tell if the air pressure if your home is imbalanced? Just watch your doors! If they open or slam shut on their own, you’ve more than likely got an airflow problem. Other signs to look for include whistling or other odd noises in your home and random drafts of air.

3. Musty Smelling Airflow
Nothing is worse than stinky airflow! Not only do these moldy smells permeate throughout your home, but they can indicate a pretty serious HVAC problem! While most people think that the remedy is as simple as replacing an air filter, the smelly problem could actually be the cause of a severe issue such as a leak in the duct or mold growing on the condenser coil.

4. Weak, Low, Or No Airflow
If this is the problem you’re facing, it’s important to call in HVAC pros as soon as possible. This issue can be the result of a handful of HVAC problems. From a simple fix like unblocking your air vents to a heavy-duty, hands-on job like fixing your refrigerant leak, the only way to diagnose and fix your issue is with an HVAC checkup!

5. Hot Air Instead Of Cold
What could be the culprit in this case? It could be that you simply need to replace your filters, a quick fix! Or, your return duct or unit compressor could be faulty, a not-so-quick fix. There’s really only one way to tell why your HVAC system is blowing out hot air instead of cold: get your system serviced from a professional!

Have you noticed any of the above warning signs in your home?

We hope not, but if so, it’s time to call in the pros for a service check! Give A#1 Air a call today, and we’ll quickly assess your problem and offer you no-hassle solutions to get your HVAC system up and running again!

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